Our work
Our vision will always be a world where health and care is co-designed to enable everyone to thrive.
As a human-centred design team, our mission was to use co-design to improve people’s access to and experiences of digitally enabled health and care services.
We did this by working with teams across health and care to help them improve the equity of access to and the accessibility of their digitally enabled services while advocating for and creating opportunities for people's lived and living experiences to inform the design, development and delivery of services.
We used design thinking to explore problems and co-design improvements – unlocking small changes for big impact.
We had four core areas of experience that could be tailored to meet the needs of the organisations we worked with.
Inclusive Digital Transformation
We worked with integrated care systems to develop whole-system human-centred digital inclusion and inclusive digital transformation strategies.
Examples of our work
Working with the North East and North Cumbria ICS to design a digital inclusion strategy that is rooted in people’s real experience of being digitally excluded from the health and care services they need.
Working with NHS England and 10 ICS teams to design and deliver a 12 week self assessment and learning programme.
Working with health and care leaders across the country to understand and tackle digital health inequalities.
Learn more about our Inclusive Digital Transformation Challenge.
Inclusive Service Design
We applied our design thinking model to help teams improve the accessibility and equity of their digitally enabled services.
Examples of our work
Working alongside Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Trust, Northwest Anglia NHS Trust and Manchester University Hospital NHS Trust to explore accessible remote consultations for eye clinic appointments.
Working with the NHS England East of England regional team and Connect Health to design more accessible patient initiated follow up pathways in physiotherapy.
Working with the North East and North Cumbria Local Maternity and Neonatal Service (LMNS) to design more accessible and inclusive digitally enabled maternity services.
Data Driven Product Design
We co-designed, developed and delivered innovative, digitally enabled and data driven health and care products.
Examples of our work
Working with 4 ICS teams to develop a digital exclusion heatmap tool to help regional and local services better understand the challenges the digital exclusion factors their populations are facing, and the capacity to tackle them with digital inclusion initiatives.
We partner with Volition to deliver the MindWell platform – the go to digital mental health information destination for people living in Leeds.
Working with West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership and Hive IT to design and develop a tool to help people identify, understand and articulate their needs when accessing and engaging with services.
Academic Study Support
We supported academic and grant funded research studies to understand the impact of digitally enabled healthcare on people’s lives.
Examples of our work
Providing our inclusive co-design expertise for the next phase of Remote by Default, a research programme led by joint Chief Investigators Professor Trish Greenhalgh and Associate Professor Sara Shaw from the University of Oxford, the Nuffield Trust and the University of Plymouth.
The aim of the Chatbot is to support young people to manage their diabetes, particularly at transition from children to adult services. The Chatbot is accessed via the DigiBete app which has been commissioned by NHS England and is available to all families and children living with Type 1 Diabetes in England and Wales.
Our impact
The outcomes of our work:
Increased engagement of people with lived and living experience in the design, development and delivery of health and care products and services.
Increased capacity, capability and confidence of people, teams and organisations to use an inclusive co-design approach to the development and delivery of health and care products and services.
More equitable and accessible digitally enabled health and care products and services.