Our learning
We share what we learn so you don’t have to start from scratch. Here you can access blogs, guides and publications produced by us and our partners on a variety of digital and health related subjects.
We also have an inclusive digital transformation workspace on the FutureNHS platform and offer bespoke learning programmes and events.
You can filter our learning by selecting one of the categories:

Introducing Career Compass Leeds
Last week saw the launch of the Career Compass Leeds, a new career exploration platform for people to find their way around the huge variety of roles across the health and care sector in Leeds.

An ‘exchange’ approach to engagement within the Gypsy and Traveller community

Mental Health Awareness Week 2024
Working to improve access to and the experience of mental health services for our workforce and the people they care for.

Tackling digital exclusion in maternity

ReVise Research Study - One year on

Happy new year!
As we’ve started 2024 we’ve taken time to look back and reflect on what we have achieved over the last 12 months and to look forward to what we want to achieve over the next year too.

Cheshire & Merseyside Digital Exclusion Mapping Tool
Thrive by Design have worked alongside Cheshire and Merseyside Health and Care Partnership to map digital exclusion across the Cheshire and Merseyside region.

ReVise Study – Co-designing and evaluating an implementation model for ophthalmic remote consultation with vision self-testing
Thrive by Design will be working alongside Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Trust, Northwest Anglia NHS Trust and Manchester University Hospital NHS Trust as part of a research study to explore how practical and accessible home-vision testing with remote consultation can be.

New Project: North East and North Cumbria ICS Digital Inclusion Strategy
We have been commissioned by North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care System (ICS) to support them in developing a Strategy and Strategic Plan to tackle Digital Exclusion.

Tackling Health Inequalities through Green and Blue Infrastructure
Access to quality green and blue infrastructure and connecting to nature is good for our mental and physical health and what's more it is disproportionately good for the health of people from poorer and more disadvantaged communities.

My Needs App Freelance Content Designer
Thrive by Design are working in partnership with West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership and Hive IT to co-design an app that will support different people to communicate their needs to different services and in different social situations. This includes but is not limited to supporting people who are neurodivergent and / or who may experience social and communication challenges. We expect a wide age range to use the app, including children and young people, their parents and caregivers, and adults.

2022: The year in review
Our Managing Director, Tim Brazier, looks back on the last 12 months, reflecting on the changes we’ve seen and the work we’ve delivered as well as looking forward to what 2023 will bring.

Climate Change and Health Inequalities
The NHS has recognised both the health impact of the climate crisis and its responsibilities towards reducing carbon emissions. It has set up the Greener NHS programme primarily to deliver a net zero carbon health service. Given the current direct and indirect NHS carbon emission levels, this is an important and impactful ambition but this is not the only area of responsibility relating to the climate crisis in which the health and care system has a part to play.

Health Inequalities and the Digital Divide
Thrive by Design is hosting a session which forms part of Leeds Digital Festival 2022 to explore the intersectional relationship between health inequalities and digital exclusion from different perspectives of the health and care system.

Exploring the relationship between digital inclusivity and heath and care equality
Dr Bola Owolabi, Director of Health Inequalities at NHS England and Roz Davies, Associate Director of Thrive by Design, discuss the needs of seldom heard groups, reflect on key learning, progress and offer advice for teams working to support people through on digital innovations like technology-enabled remote monitoring.

Health Inequalities Academy - one year on
On 21 and 22 June the West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership held a two-day virtual event to celebrate one year of the Health Inequalities Academy. Tim Brazier was invited to join a workshop panel to discuss some of our work tackling digital inequalities. You can watch the session back here.

Digital Health Inequality Pioneers: sharing our learning
At the end of 2021 NHSX opened a funding application for Integrated Care System (ICS) teams wanting to digitally transform a clinical pathway. To be awarded funding the teams had to evidence that they had considered how the digital transformation could help tackle an element of inequality that they had identified within their ICS. Our team were appointed to provide expert support around Inclusive Digital Transformation to the ICS teams.

Inclusive Digital Transformation in Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
We will be working with our host Trust to co-design and trial Inclusive Digital Transformation and digital inclusion interventions.

Remote by Default 2: the “new normal”?
With NHS organisations transitioning back to ‘business as usual’ operating models, the overarching aim of this project is to inform high-quality, safe and equitable care in UK general practice in the context of policies which require phone, video or e-consultation by default.

Inclusive online video consultations: what you need to know
The use of online video consultations, if not supported in the right way, is at risk of widening the digital divide. Even where digital platforms are available, there will be people who are excluded, for example, those with low digital literacy, poor connection or unable to afford the cost of data for video calls. This briefing explores how to make remote video consultations inclusive.