Tackling digital exclusion in maternity

We’re delighted to be working with the Local Maternity and Neonatal Service (LMNS) in North East and North Cumbria on two exciting new projects.

Following on from our work to support the development of the North East and North Cumbria ICS digital inclusion strategy, we have been commissioned to carry out two complimentary pieces of work that put the strategy into action.

The first project is a discovery into digitally enabled maternity care across the whole North East and North Cumbria region.

The second is a deep dive inclusive service design exploration in South Tees.

Both projects follow the recommendations of our Inclusive Digital Transformation strategy model. This model sets out eight key areas of focus; four aimed at supporting people to access the resources they need to be able to access and engage with digitally enabled health and care and four aimed at designing an accessible and equitable health and care system.

In the discovery project, we will be gathering, visualising and sharing data to inform our understanding of the risks of people being digitally excluded from maternity services and the capacity to support people to overcome the barriers they face when trying to access those services.

In our deep dive in South Tees, we will be taking a service design approach to identify ways to improve peoples access to and experience of digitally enabled maternity services.

If you’d like to find out how we could work with you to take a similar approach to tackling digital health inequalities, please email us at thrivebydesign.lypft@nhs.net or get in touch using the form on our website.


Mental Health Awareness Week 2024


ReVise Research Study - One year on